IBM – Smartcity

Client: IBM
Agency: School Of Motion
Role: Art Director, Storyboard Designer

IBM was looking for some style frames and design boards for a brand new concept called a SmartCity. They were looking for some design boards for an entire 30 second spot. They provided a branding guide with color and style guidelines and a script.

Today’s cities have populations they were not designed to support.
And this causes:
Grid-lock on the roads.
(Transition: Hexagonal block transforms into a stack of money)
A lack of affordable housing. ​​​​​​​
(Transition: Money transforms into line-graph)
And, high energy costs.
At IBM, we’re good at solving problems.
So we came up with a solution.
Traffic lights that talk to cars and buses to optimize traffic.
(Transition: Car drives to left as color is added to tree)
Multi-use buildings designed to keep housing affordable.
(Transition: Water pans to power grid)
An on-demand-grid intelligently providing power only when needed.
(Transition: SmartCity is built from the ground up)
We’re working towards a safer, more efficient, more connected city.
(Transition: As city rises to completion is vibrant colors fade in)
A smarter city.
(Transitions from SmartCity to icon/ Mask and Crop)
(Transitions from icon to logo)
SmartCity, coming soon from IBM
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This work was created as a homework assignment for the Design Bootcamp course from School of Motion, INC. All work is speculative, and created for educational purposes. Illustrations were graciously provided by the talented illustrator, Brian Gossett.

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